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  • Clinic Address:S Gf- 4/5, Gardenia Futec Market, Plot No-10, Sector 75, Noida
  • (24 hours / 7 days)+91 99 103 222 73

Best Cardiologist in Noida, Sector 75

Sr Consultant - Cardiology


Dr. Bhupendra Singh

Sr. Consultant, Dep. of Cardiology

  • MBBS, MD (Medicine), DM (Cardiology), FACC, FESC
  • 21 Yrs Experience
  • Monday - Saturday
  • CARDEA HEALTH (Cardiologist Clinic)
  • S Gf- 4/5, Gardenia Futec Market, Plot No-10, Sector 75, Noida

Clinic Timing

  • Monday - Saturday
  • 06.15 PM - 08.30 PM
  • Sunday Only
  • On Call
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About Cardea Health Clinic Sector 75 Noida

Center for Heart & Diabetes - Sec-75, Noida

Cardea health is situated at sector 75, Noida, U.P. We have a state of art clinic with modern diagnostic machines and equipments. Our clinic is ergonomically designed keeping the patient’s safety and comfort in mind and thorough attention is paid to hygiene and sanitation. All the patients are assured of the best quality healthcare services with no unnecessary investigations or unindicated interventions. Read More..

  • Ethical Practice
  • Preventive Approach
  • Follow Latest Guidelines
Dr Bhupendra Cardiologist Noida
Dr. Bhupendra Singh
Sr. Consultant - Cardiology
Why Cardiologist

Who should Consult Us?

Consult with us if you have Symptoms like Chest Pain, Breathlessness, Syncope and Palpitations.



  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Dyslipidemia
  • CAD
  • Heart Attack | Failure


  • Chest Pain or Heaviness
  • Dyspnoea and Fatigue
  • Palpitation
  • Syncope
  • Irregular Heart Beat
Sector Of Cure

Our Services

CARDEA HEALTH is known for housing experienced Cardiologists. Dr.Bhupendra Singh, a well-reputed Cardiologist, practices in Noida. Visit this medical health centre for Cardiologists recommended by 78 patients.


ECG Measurements

In MESA, 12‐lead computerized ECGs were acquired via prepared experts utilizing GE MAC 1200 electrocardiographs with normalized systems. ECGs were sent electronically to the MESA ECG Reading Center situated at the Epidemiological Cardiology Research Center (Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston‐Salem, NC).

As per MESA convention, all channels in the ECG machines were handicapped to give unfiltered estimations.




The heart in your body siphons blood and the vascular framework takes it to every one of the organs. Together they structure the cardiovascular framework. A sound way of life, legitimate nutritious eating regimen and customary exercise is genuinely necessary to keep your heart solid, all the more in this way, as age advances.

Keeping a mind your heart’s wellbeing at ordinary spans is likewise basic to forestall its dysfunctioning.



What is a Coronary Angiography?

A coronary angiography is a test to see whether you have a blockage in a coronary conduit. Your PCP will be worried that you’re in danger of a coronary episode in the event that you have insecure angina, abnormal chest torment, aortic stenosis, or unexplained cardiovascular breakdown.

During the coronary angiography, a difference color will be infused into your veins through a catheter (slim, plastic cylinder), while your PCP observes how blood moves through your heart on a X-beam screen.

This test is otherwise called a cardiovascular angiogram, catheter arteriography, or heart catheterization.



What is Angioplasty and Why Do I Need It?

An angioplasty is a sort of insignificantly obtrusive strategy used to unblock courses and reestablish typical blood stream to specific organs or tissues inside the body. (ii)

Your courses are the veins answerable for conveying supplement rich, oxygenated blood to your organs and tissues. Courses become limited or obstructed when there is a form of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and different substances found inside the blood. This development is known as plaque, and after some time solidifies and limits your corridors, restricting the progression of oxygen-rich blood. (I)


Pacemaker Implantation

What is Pacemakers?

A pacemaker is a little gadget, about the size of a silver dollar, that is embedded under the skin on the chest divider with electrical leads, or wires, that are put through an IV into a vein and passed down and into the heart. Pacemakers go about as a wellbeing net, conveying low energy heartbeats to the heart muscle to animate a thump if the heart beat eases back.

When Do I Need a Pacemaker?

Peacemakers can be impermanent or lasting relying upon how they’re being utilized. A few patients may require a transitory pacemaker to help after a respiratory failure or heart medical procedure.

Our Facts

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overall over acheivement


Satisfied Patients




Positive Feedback



Our Patients Say It the Best


What our Patients say about us.

Raj AggarwalRaj Aggarwal
05:09 21 Jun 22
One of the best doctor and best location to visit. My father suffered heart attack and was a little off track but Doctor Bhupendra was one doctor who took care of everything in a very professional manner and even personal matter.
Abhishek MishraAbhishek Mishra
09:56 15 Jun 22
one of the best clinic in sector 75 noida. doctor is humble and listen carefully to your problems. overall satisfied with the doctor's approach and the place.
Shobhit VermaShobhit Verma
09:47 15 Jun 22
My experience of clinic and doctor was good. One of the best clinic for heart related problems. I recommend.
rachit kaushikrachit kaushik
09:31 15 Jun 22
I consulted the doctor for minor chest pain issue and wanted complete heart check up. My experience of the doctor and clinic was very good and satisfied completely as all the necessary test for heart were available there. Best part was detail discussion about preventive measures to keep your heart healthy.
Vikas SwamiVikas Swami
09:12 15 Jun 22
Doctor is expert in his speciality, no unnecessary investigations and medicines. Always gives priority and advices natural ways to control health issues. Clinic is hygienic and staff is supportive. I recommend this clinic for complete heart check up.

    An Appointment

    Dr Bhupendra Singh graduated and post graduated with certificate of honour from the prestigious King George Medical College (KGMC) Lucknow .He was awarded Gold Medal for his M.D. He received his D.M.(Cardiology) training from the KGMC Lucknow.

    Note: you will be redirect to whatsapp chat for appointment confirmation.

    ( *Term & Conditions Apply )


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Questions in your mind

    Chest pain can occur due to various reasons, like heart, lungs, upper abdomen and musculoskeletal problems. The character of chest pain could be sharp, dull aching, pricking or burning type but chest pain due to the heart can feel like heaviness or tightness, it is centrally located which can radiate to the left arm, shoulder, throat, jaw and back. It can be associated with sweating, palpitation, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath and lightheadedness. Always treat chest pain seriously and seek medical help as soon as possible. Heartburn, pneumonia, and a heart attack are all possible causes of chest pain. Although chest pain can be an indication of cardiac disease, it can also be caused by a variety of other things. While some of these are dangerous, the majority are not.
    Diabetes and smoking are major coronary artery disease (CAD) risk factors and at the same time diabetes is also considered as CAD equivalent. Smoking increases your chances of getting heart disease, especially at a young age. It is critical to quit smoking if you have diabetes since both smoking and diabetes increases blood clotting and occluded coronary arteries. Smoking also raises your risk of acquiring other long-term issues, including
    • lung disease.
    • Ulcers and infections in the lower legs
    • Amputation of the foot or leg
    The majority of people who have heart attacks are over the age of 60 but due to our unhealthy dietary pattern, bad lifestyle, lack of exercise and stress, one should go for cardiac evaluation. If you are a diabetic or hypertensive then cardiac evaluation should be done on an annual basis. As a result, even if elderly individuals have no other risk factors, they should go for a cardiac evaluation. This is particularly true for male patients, who are at a higher risk than females.
    The major risk factors for heart attack can be controlled and shaped by your lifestyle and can be improved through behavior modifications. Some of its leading factors include -
    • High blood pressure
    • Diabetes
    • Smoking
    • High cholesterol
    • Unhealthy Diet
    • Physical Inactivity
    • Stress
    Most heart attacks are characterized by pain in the center or left side of the chest that lasts longer than a few minutes or that disappears and reappears. Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain are all possible sensations. Weakness, shortness of breath, eructations, light-headedness, or faintness. It's also possible that you'll break out in a cold sweat.
    Some of the risk factors that can serve as a wake-up call to jump-start a healthier lifestyle are -
    • High blood pressure
    • High cholesterol
    • Obesity
    • High blood glucose
    • Smoking
    • Stress
    • Family history of heart attack
    Some of the natural ways to protect yourself from a Heart attack are -
    • Don't smoke or use tobacco.
    • Exercise regularly
    • Eat a heart-healthy diet
    • Maintain a healthy weight
    • Get good quality sleep
    • Get regular health check-ups
    • Keep your sugar and BP under control
    If you simply belch or pass gas and the pain goes away, you could just be experiencing dyspepsia or heartburn, but If the pain persists and you have shortness of breath, ghabrahat, sweating or nausea, it could be a heart-related issue. If these symptoms are recurrent in nature then one should get his heart check up done.
    Acting quickly can save a patient’s life. If given quickly after symptoms, clot-busting and artery-opening medications like Aspirin, clopidogrel and sorbitrate can abort a heart attack. While the first impulse should be to drive the victim to the hospital, it’s better to get an ambulance as Emergency medical services personnel can start treatment on the way to the hospital.
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